ro: Adevarul este ca mi-am dorit sa vad Laguna Albastra inca de anul trecut si a fost unul dintre principalele motive pentru care am venit anul acesta cu masina mea la Cluj. Asa ca ieri am luat frumos fetele, costumul de baie si ne-am indreptat spre Aghiresu, ceva localitate pierduta pe dealurile din zona Clujului unde nu stiu sa va explic cum sa ajungeti, deci mai bine porniti GPS-ul :D.
In ciuda caldurii si a drumului absolut oribil din punct de vedere a conditiei (erau portiuni complet neasfaltate, iar la un moment dat as fi spus ca sigur ne-am ratacit daca nu era Marta, care mai facuse deja drumul), dar minunat ca si peisaj, am reusit sa ajunge la faimoasa laguna. Spun faimoasa din punctul meu de vedere pentru ca nu multa lume a auzit de acest lac, insa suficienta cat sa il faca destul de aglomerat pentru scaldat.
Lacul mi-a placut pentru ca era super calda apa si chiar curata in conditiile in care nu este curatat deloc. Adica pe acolo plutesc nestingherite toate ierburile acvatice posibile in Romania. Nu mi-a placut nici faptul ca nu este nimic amenajat acolo, adica un loc frumos unde sa iti pui patura. Si, colac peste pupaza, mai vin si unii cu caini. Ce fel de om trebuie sa fii sa iti bagi cainele intr-o apa statatoare in care sunt si alti oameni? Mi s-a parut foarte urat si acela a fost momentul in care am decis sa plecam.
Seara am ajuns la Untold destul de tarziu, dar dupa cum mi-am dat seama inca de anul trecut, Armin night is not my night so I made it wine night :))). De fapt, bubbly rose, dar cine tine socoteala? 😀 Pana la urma am ajuns sa ne plimbam de colo-colo. Mi-am luat un mic suvenit de la Coca Cola :))) (da, au si aici pop up store) Am si dansat putin. Ne-am facut de cap cu pozele (oare ne mai suporta lumea? :))) oricum e o stare generala. Newsfeedul meu e plin de Untold si poze de la mare). Si am mancat gogoasa. Super buna gogoasa <3.
Am ajuns acasa destul de devreme, dar a fost mai bine asa pentru ca astazi avem un program super incarcat. Ramaneti pe frecventa.
en: The truth is that I’ve wanted to see our blue lagoon for quite some time now and this was one of the reasons I wanted to come with my own car to Untold this year. So yesterday we decided to go for it. After a short shopping session, we left Cluj for Aghiresu, a remote village, somewhere in the hills, where it is best to go using you’re GPS because I have no idea how to explain the route to you.
Despite of the heat and the very poor condition in which we found the road (there were portions where it was a simple dirt road and nothing more and it had wholes in it like after a meteor shower), it was very scenic route and I just left my imagination wonder while I was driving. After 1 hour + we got to the lake and it was beautiful, but a bit more green than blue.
Still, the water was super warm and perfect for swimming, but there were also a lot of people, mostly locals and mostly loud. I tried to ignore them and the fact that there were so many plants in the water and the fact that there was no area where to put your blanket, but I had to draw the line at the dogs. Yes, even though we were about 20 people in the water, someone thought it would be a good idea to throw a dog in the mix. That just seemed rude and made us leave.
We got to Untold pretty late in the evening and I realized that last year was not a fluke. Armin night just isn’t my night so I made it wine night :))). Actually, it was bubbly rose, but who’s counting :))). We ended up going from one stage to the other, laughed a lot, bought a little Coke memorabilia :D, ate doughnuts, fooled around while taking pictures and simply enjoyed the evening. I would be concerned about spamming so many news feeds if mine wouldn’t be exactly the same with pictures and videos from Untold and from somewhere at the sea.
We got home pretty early… if 2 am is early :))) but it was ok because we have lots to do today :D. Stay tuned.