What to do when untolding

blogu lu andra

Ro: Sunteti pregatiti? Ieri am studiat terenul si acum pot sa va spun cam ce se poate face for fun la Untold. Pentru ca acest festival nu este doar despre muzica, este mai ales despre oameni si despre distractie.

Asa ca ieri ne-am luat frumos si am plecat sa vedem ce se poate face la Untold atunci cand nu canta artistul preferat. Ce am descoperit? Pai in primul rand iti poti face parul. Sunt tot felul de ateliere (despre care stiu din notificarile de pe aplicatie pentru ca nu am prins nici unu :)))). Toata lumea vrea sa iti dea mostre de produse (pana acum am 3 sampoane uscate din alea mici si 2 rujuri :)))) Toata lumea are amenajate zone de relaxare. Cei de la Coca Cola au tot felul de jocuri si multe premii. Pringles are chiar si karaoke (am vrut si eu sa cant, dar era coada prea mare… poate azi :D). Si se pot scoate pozele de pe Instagram live.

Am facut ataaaat de multe poze… nu stiu cum ne mai suporta news feed-urile :))). Siiiii… ne-am facut tatuaj cu henna. Eu una imi doream de atata timp incat nici nu mai tin minte (da, chiar daca am propriul meu tatuaj). Si evident ca mi-am facut pe mana, ca sa fiu indian asa :)))).

Seara ne-a prins la concerte, evident. Am descoperit o noua trupa super faina, mai indie rock asa. Se numesc Kadebostany si sunt foarte foarte tari. Cel mai mult mi-a placut coverul lor dupa Crazy in love pe care il gasiti aici. Nu mi-a venit sa cred cat de multa lume a venit sa il vada pe Argatu’. Se pare ca nu e chiar atat de underground cum credeam eu. Am mai avut parte si de un super mix din partea lui Dannic. Este surprinzator cat de multa lume face muzica super buna si noi habar nu avem despre ei… sau poate sunt eu putin mai out of touch cu chestiile astea :))).

All in all, a fost o zi super faina la festival si abia astept ce ne aduce cea de azi. Inca mai avem multe chestii de vazut si de facut :D.


blogu lu andra

En: Are you ready? I’m about to give you very sensitive, very valuable information about Untold. More precisely, what you can do here. Because it’s not only the world capital of night and music, it is also the world capital of fun! 😀

Yesterday we wanted to see what you can do at the festival when you’re not extatic about your favorite artist performing. What did we discover? Well, first of all, you can do your hair and makeup. There are all sorts of workshops (about which I know from the app because I didn’t actually get to see one :))). Everybody wants to give you something. Coca Cola has all sorts of games and prizes to give. Pringles even has karaoke, where I plan on singing today :D. And you can print your Instagram pics live!

We took so many photos that it’s hard for me to imagine how our friends can stand us. And we tattooed our hands with henna. I was so happy to see that they had something like this. It’s something that I’ve always wanted to do, even though I have my very own real tattoo. I feel kind of Indian now. Where did I put my sari I wonder :)))).

In the evening we partied, of course. I got to listen to a very cool new band (new for me, Linda knew then) called Kadebostany. They are kind of indie rock and I just love their sound. I loved their cover after Crazy in love the most. I was very surprised to see how many people came for Argatu’. I guess he’s not that underground after all. And I found a new DJ to follow: Dannic.

All in all, it was a great day at the festival and I can’t wait to see what today has in store for us.


blogu lu andra

blogu lu andra

blogu lu andra

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blogu lu andra

blogu lu andra

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