Sunt cam inconsecventa, stiu, dar cum as putea fi altfel cand muncesc o gramada si ma plimb si mai mult? :))) iar blogul meu, din pacate, nu imi permite sa fiu performanta de pe telefon. Ca sa nu mai spun ca, mai nou, Orange-ul are mai putin semnal la Salas decat am eu chef sa plivesc gradina.
Si poate as putea sa trec peste toate astea, daca nu ar fi Flavius <3. Cum sa va spun… oamenii fericiti sunt egoisti si incapabili sa se rupa din micutul lor colt de rai. Cand sunt cu Flavius, chiar daca ne ciondranim, sunt calare pe unicorn, peste curcubeu, unde norisori roz si pufosi de vata de zahar plutesc pe deasupra raurilor de ciocolata si sticlele de Coca Cola cresc in copaci :))). Iar acolo nu avem semnal, deci cum as putea posta?
Asta nu inseamna ca nu o sa mai scriu. Pur si simplu o sa mai am si perioade mai… lente. Sper sa nu va suparati si sa ma urmariti pe celelalte canale pentru ca nu aveti cum sa scapati de mine asa usor :D.
Voi ce ati mai facut?
I know I am a bit hectic these days, but I’ve been working really hard and traveling a lot and writing just got a bit low on my list. I could blame it on the fact that it’s hard do write from my phone or that I have very crappy signal at Salas, but I think that the main reason why I forget to write some times is that I’m so much in love.
How to explain this? When people are happy they are very selfish and want to hold on to their little piece of heaven at any cost. When I’m with Flavius it’s like I’m riding a unicorn, over the rainbow, in a valley with fluffy pink cotton candy clouds, over rivers of chocolate and plains of coke :))). And there is no signal there so… how could I post anything?
But don’t worry, I’m not done with writing. I just might have some slow moments. Still, you can follow me on Instagram or on Facebook.
What have you been doing lately?