Urban House Bratislava review

Urban House

Astazi continuam seria review-urilor de calatorie cu un local ce ne-a placut la nebunie: Urban House. Aici am luat micul dejun in timpul sederii noastre in Bratislava si toti trei am fost foarte placut impresionati. Deci iata de ce nu trebuie sa ratati acest local daca vizitati capitala Slovaciei.


Situat in imediata apropiere a centrului istoric din Bratislava, Urban House nu poate fi ratat. Are ditamai vitrina si practic nu prea ai cum sa il ratezi. Cu masina nu ai cum sa ajungi aici, intreaga zona fiind pietonala, insa poti parca in apropiere. Si, din cate am vazut, autobuzele si tramvaiele circula si ele destul de aproape, deci locatia este excelenta.


Urban House are un vibe super. Inca de la intrare te incanta aerul usor industrial si te atrage meniul scris direct pe perete. Cel mai greu este sa te hotarasti unde sa stai. Pentru ca sunt o gramada de scaune, de fotolii si de canapele care mai de care mai dragute. Am avut o usoara tendinta sa ne pun direct in vitrina. Mi se pare foarte interesant sa stai direct in geamul unui local, sa se uite oamenii la tine. Dar, pana la urma, am ales un fotoliu imparatesc si am lasat muzica sa ma binedispuna.

Urban House

Servire si produse

Personalul este foarte prietenos si foarte operativ. Nici nu ne-am asezat bine la masa ca a si venit un baiat sa ne aduca apa din partea casei (unde se intampla asta in Romania? eu stiu un singur loc) si sa ne aduca meniurile. Cum era destul de devreme, am trecut rapid la capitolul mic dejun si am ales fiecare ce si-a dorit. Adica eu oua Bennedict, Piri la fel si Flavius ceva englezesc cu fasole si carnati.

Mancarea a fost foarte buna, doar ca eu am gresit alegand portia pentru o persoana. Se pare ca o persoana nu mananca decat o chifla cu un ou. Iar eu mananc ceva mai mult, mai ales dimineata :))). Partea cu adevarat ciudata a fost ca dupa ce am terminat de mancat si mi-am terminat chai latte-ul, care era absolut adorabil, chiar m-am simtit satula. Nu m-a tinut mai mult de 2 ore, dar cum ar fi putut cand m-am plimbat atat de mult pe jos? :)))

Nota mea pentru Urban House este, evident, 10 cu felicitari.

Deci daca ajungeti in Bratislava si sunteti flamanzi, opriti-va linistiti la Urban House pentru ca este o alegere excelenta. Iar pentru mai multe review-uri, aruncati o privire peste sectiunea speciala de pe blog: Andra’s reviews!

English version

Today we continue our travel reviews with a place that, in a very short time, became very dear to me. Located almost in the heart of Bratislava’s historical center, Urban House is the place that you can’t miss when visiting this city.


Urban House has the perfect location because you simply can’t miss it. Situated on one of the main streets of the hostorical center, it has the biggest window I have ever seen. There are no cars allowed in the area, but you can find street parking at about 10 minutes walk and there are bus and tram stations the area.

The vibe

Urban House has this amazing vibe that you feel from the moment you walk through the door. The space has this industrial feel to it and the many different kind of chairs and sofas give it an extra fun boost. I had such a hard time deciding where to sit because I kind of wanted to try the tables next to the window, but then this really queen like armchair called to me :))). Between this very comfy chair, the wifi and the music, I was right at home at Urban House.

StAFF and products

I think that the cherry on top of the whole Urban House is the very friendly staff. We didn’t even get a chance to take off our jackets that someone came, brought us water on the house (which rarely happens in Romania) and the menus. We were set on breakfast so Piri and I had eggs Bennedict while Flavius had the English breakfast because he is a little carnivorous beastie <3.

The food was great and even though I thiought I had too small a serving, after I finished my chai latte I was full. It was a bit of a pitty drinking the cutest cup of tea I ever had, with my very own heart on it, but I did it due to it’s yammyness.

In my book, urban house has a 10 plus

And I recommend it greatly to all the people visiting Bratislava. I sure will be visiting them again if I ever go to Slovakia.

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