Trebuie sa recunosc, experienta mea la Feeric Fashion Week s-ar fi terminat la Alba pentru anul acesta daca nu ar fi fost invitatia super draguta primita de la Dana Rogoz pentru un pranz la Palatul Brukental din Avrig, cu povesti, mancare buna si cadouri dragute. Si mi-am spus ca ce rost are sa merg doar la lunch daca oricum plec din Timisoara?
Asa ca vineri dimineata ma puneam frumos pe masina si porneam spre Sibiu. Prima oprire a fost intr-un loc de vis, Castelul de lut din Porumbacu de Sus, o super pensiune de pe Valea Zanelor, locul perfect pentru prezentarea colectiei semnata Charles and Ron. Tinutele mi-au placut foarte mult si va voi prezenta preferatele mele in curand. Ceea ce vreau sa stiti acum este cat de mult mi-a placut locatia. Si cum Castelul de Lut este o pensiune, planuiesc sa revin aici impreuna cu Flavius pentru o escapada romantica :D.
Din poveste in poveste, a urma prezentarea Anei Maria Galan, la Castelul de vara Brukental din Avrig. Si aceasta colectie, extrem de fluida si de vaporoasa mi-a placut la nebunie. In ceea ce priveste locatia, nu putea fi aleasa mai bine.
Pranzul cu Dana Rogoz a avut loc tot la Palat, intr-un luminis dragut decorat, unde Dana isi parcase rulota Moon. Am avut parte de o mancare absolut delicioasa, dupa care Dana ne-a povestit despre cum este sa iti traiesti visul si cat trebuie sa muncesti pentru el. Mi-a placut la nebunie de ea. Deja o urmaream pe Facebook si Instagram, insa acum am o apreciere cu totul noua pentru femeia Dana Rogoz: extrem de calda, extrem de inventiva si o mama super dedicata. Am ras, am baut sampanie, ne-am pus dorinte pe baloane de heliu carora le-am dat drumul sa zboare. In plus, am primit cadou cele mai noi tricouri din colectia Moon by Dana Rogoz. Acestea sunt un adevarat deliciu de purtat, cu fete detasabile, extrem de versatile, din bumbac 100% organic. Vi le recomand din suflet.
Seara mea feerica nu putea sa se incheie altfel decat cu prezentarea Nataliei Vasiliev. Stiam deja ca are unele dintre cele mai frumoase rochii de mireasa, insa noua colectie m-a facut sa imi doresc si mai mult sa port si eu una. Si da, o sa le vedeti pe toate in curand :D.
Cam asta ar fi rezumatul zilei. Pot spune ca Feeric Fashion Week mi-a deschis apetitul pentru acest gen de evenimente si sa vad toate bloggeritele mega fancy m-a determinat sa imi pun cateva intrebari legate de propriul stil vestimentar.
To be continued :D.
I have to be honest with you here, my fashion week experience would have ended in Alba Iulia if not for the very nice and personal invitation from Dana Rogoz (she actually called me) – one of my favorite Romanian fashion blogger. As part of the events during Fashion Week, she was the guest of a very lovely lunch at the Brukental Summer Palace in Avrig and this was one opportunity that I wasn’t going to miss. And then I said to myself Andra, why go just for lunch? Go for the whole day!
So I ended up starting my vacation early Friday morning, on my way to Sibiu. My first stop was the Clay Castle in Porumbacu de Sus. This was an absolutely fairy tale venue where international known designers Charles and Ron decided to show off their pretty amazing fall/winter collection. We will talk about it later, but now I want to highlight how much I loved the castle, which is actually a very cozy bed and breakfast where I plan to go soon with my boyfriend, Flavius, for a romantic getaway.
As I previously mentioned, the lunch was organized at the Brukental Palace, where Romanian designer Ana Maria Galan also showed off a very impressive and fluid collection that I will share with you sooner.
The location is absolutely amazing. Dana Rogoz had parked her signature trailer Moon between the trees. Her baby boy was running around. We had the most delicious food ever and afterwards she started talking about how it feels like to live your dreams, how hard you have to work for them and how you should never give up. I was already following her on Facebook on Instagram but before this meet I would have never imagined what an extrordinary person she really is. We laughed, we had champagne, we wished on helium balloons and we got gifts to: the newest organic cotton Tshirts from the Moon by Dana Rogoz collection. I just love mine.
The Natalia Vasiliev bridal collection was the perfect way to end the day. The dresses were simply wow! They made me dream of the day I am gonna be wearing one and can’t wait to show them to you.
This is it I guess… so little words about such a full day. What I can tell you for sure is that this year’s Feeric Fashion Week opened my appetite for this kind of events and made me question my own personal style.
To be continued :D.
Oh ce frumoos!!! Acum imi notez Castelul de lut! Super ochelarii tai, te pup!