Wearing white at the Black Sea

blogu lu andra

Ro: Sa va explic: eu cand merg la mare car tot timpul o gramada de haine dupa mine si de obicei port fiecare chestie o singura data :))). Nici tura aceasta nu a facut exceptie, insa am incercat sa nu exagerez.

M-am bucurat cand am primit aceasta rochita alba cadou si am purtat-o chiar in 2 zile la plaja pentru ca mi-a placut la nebunie. Este perfecta pentru plaja pentru ca este super lejera si destul de transparenta :))). Iar faptul ca este cazuta pe umeri ii da exact plusul de trendy al sezonului. Imi pare rau ca nu am ceva jupa ca sa o port si prin oras :D.

Voi ce mai purtati la plaja?


En: When I go on holiday I always take a lot of clothes with me and I end up wearing only half of them. This year was no exception, although I really did try to be a little bit more moderate.

The white dress I wanted to show you today is a gift that I loved instantly. It’s nameless, but perfect because it has an amazing flow to it and it’s off the shoulders, therefore very in this season. The only downside to this dress is that it is very see through so it can only be worn at the beach.

What are you wearing these days?


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